Tanuki Set by Hungryyy
Scratch Asset made in Blender by me.
First 2 Photos are Renders
This is a cute little Tanuki set I made a long while ago and never ended up using, I thought it would be better if it was not wasted so please please please make some cute models with this fluffy little set <3
Must have unity/Blender knowledge to use
Tail: 4,000 poly
Ears 5,096 Poly
- You may not resell this Asset on its own.
- You may not share any of this Assets files for Free ,nor may you use them if taken off of an avatar.
- You may use this Asset on Public or Free models.
- You may use this on your own privately or commercially finished model.
- You are allowed to use this Asset for streaming.
- Please always credit me with (Captainrattail#4978) and a link to my Gumroad.
- You must fill out the Prompts with your correct information so I know YOU purchased this asset.
~In Description~